
The Real Dance Mum of Brisbane


Your child’s dance year is well and truly underway and all those lessons and rehearsals over the past term and weeks will soon culminate in a showcase performance, judged by an industry professional against other dance studios.

It’s both a rewarding and fun experience for your dancer and I have collated a list to help you be prepared.

In the days leading up to the eisteddfod – planning ahead will make for a more enjoyable weekend By now your dancer would have all of their costumes, tights, socks and dance shoes. Have you labelled them?  If not, get busy now, as backstage is a busy place and it can be easy for items to go missing. Don’t forget to order/purchase your tickets to spectate.

The night before

Ensure everything is packed either in a dance garment bag, small suitcase or “rack’n’roll” style dance bag.

  • Shower and tan (planned to have washed hair two nights before, the night before makes it all a bit soft and harder to hold back).
  • Have a good carbohydrate rich meal, this will help both with sleep and energy for the next day.
  • Talk about nerves and excitement – they are all natural emotions and reassure your dancer that they have done all the preparation and they will be great on stage.
  • Get a good night’s sleep – you will be up early and it will be a big day using lots of energy.
  • Pack that lunch box with lots of good nutritious options (fruit, crackers, yoghurt, sandwich!) and get the water bottle ready (don’t forget to label that as well).

On the day

Rise and shine, and have a good breakfast. Do hair and make-up before you depart. Ensure your dancer arrives on time (or even a little earlier if you haven’t considered parking options).

At the Eisteddfod / competition

No parents are allowed in the change rooms. Drop them off, wish them well and tell your dancer to have FUN – you will be cheering from the crowd.

The following is also a list of eisteddfod etiquette:

  • Clap for all performers and cheer for the winners. Be those parents and set a great example.
  • Do not take photos of performances/performers on the stage. There are strict copyright and child protection laws that prevent this.
  • Don’t move around when a group has started and never enter the auditorium when anyone is on stage. This can be very distracting for all involved.
  • Never walk in front of the Adjudicator or across the front of the stage. A massive no-no. 

Have fun, relax and enjoy the moment of your dancer on stage !