2024 Fee Structure

Studio One Performance Hub 2024 Fee Structure

DescriptionTerm fee
One class per week $200
Two classes per week $390
Three classes per week $570
Four classes per week $740
Five classes per week $900
Six classes per week $1,050
Seven classes per week $1,160
Eight classes or more per week $1,250
Elite extension $200 Elite extension classes 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm Friday afternoon by invitation only. Includes after hours studio access for solo rehearsals, subject to booking and availability.
Competition team Levy $100 Charged in terms 1, 2 and 3 only. Includes competition entry, choreography by studio teachers (guest teachers may incur extra fee), routine video from competitions, staffing costs for competition attendance, extra rehearsals.
Showcase Levy $100 Payment for showcase video and other sundries associated with Showcase including ordering and postage for costumes. Purchase of costumes will be extra.
RAD exam fees TBA For RAD examination students, depending on year level
Annual enrolment fee $25 Charged in term 1 only, per child